
Day six, seven and eight.

Obviously this would! That seems to be the key thing at the moment, life just keeps happening...what an ugly first week of plan! Day 6 - Rest day Ahhh...Rest even though this was a rest day, I still had things to do work wise, but I reduced as much movement as possible. Just the one led Nordic Walk today, a lovely walk through the Downs exploring as always with a beautiful bunch of people. I ate a lot of food LOADS! Way too much. If this weeks totals are OTT it is because of this day! Serves me right for visiting the CoOp on a gym close and buying Doritos! Nordic Walking: 2.44 miles Activity calories: 263kcal Daily intake: 4527kcal Day 7 - 24 Miles Well got up late, so that meant my window of running was drastically reduced so I didn't get up to the full 24 miles, but I did manage to smash out an incredible all-you-can-eat breakfast afterwards....good times that was! My planned run was going to take in a lot of Ashton Court and Lei

Day 5 - Dead legs.

Day 5 - 8 miles Today was a good day based on completing all my daily goals. However, the feeling and effort it took were all baaaaaad. Yesterday, despite my tiny writeup, did involve a resistance based workout. I did a bunch of squats, iso work on my legs and basically beasted them for the best part... Today running they felt dead. Beyond dead. My run today, almost 9 miles ( included walking up hills, a detour round Tesco looking for Gatorade (found none, had water and m&m cake bars instead.... Yummy) and generally feeling lethargic and shit. The whole reason I stopped in Tesco was for calories as I didn't take any on board prior to the run as I had planned. Activity stats. Running miles: 8.8 miles Activity calories: 592kcal Calorie intake: 2809kcal ( 147P /329C/91F)

Day 4 - Somedays you have nothing to write

29 August 2019 Day 4 - 6 miles Sometimes you just have nothing interesting to write. Today seems like one of those days, so it will just be the stats today. Running: 6.26 miles ( ) Riding: 8.81 miles Active Calories: 1210kcal Calorie intake: 3034kcal (129P/404C/96F)

Day 3 - WTF just happened?

Day 3 - Eight miles Well THAT didn't happen. I spent 18 minutes on a treadmill before coming over all weird, like I had a concussion, got off and basically sat like a lemon staring at the wall like a zombie. I have ZERO idea what, why or how it happened...needless to say it freaked me out! What a start to the training least the initial rest day has gone well. Additionally, Strava is BATSHIT. I shouldn't really blame Strava as it get's a lot of the information from maybe I should blame Suunto as my calorie bur just seems....random and weird. My intention this week is to continue as I am untilt he end of the week and then I will reasses how I deal with my kcal burn. Totals on the day: Running - 1.86 miles Riding - 24.81 miles Nordic Walking - 6.79 Activity calories - 2446kcal Calorie intake - 3345kcal

Day 2 - Life always finds a way.

Day 2 - Rest Day. I love whoever planned my training plan (Pro-tip: It was me.) In theory, nothing was on the cards today, however after a massive blunder by myself...running was done! As I had left my IPOS (Bike) at work, I had to run to work ( ) to gather said bike, then followed three further bike to pickup a dog ( ), one to drop him off ( ) and then a final one home after food ( ). Sometimes, even with the most details and intricate plan you have to realise that it is ok to change any training plan. Life always comes first as today showed. Extra miles are always a good thing, especially as I can already see into the future and see that tomorrow I am not going to be able to fulfil my mileage then...unless I run later in the evening after a SUPER busy day. One point of concern today was

Day 1 - A new way of dealing with my training

So I have decided after free-balling the last year of running to treat myself as if I was a client of my own. A fully fledged running training plan, a fully formed strength and conditioning program as well as all of the other stuff that I do for my clients. Here we go... Goal To complete CTS Dorset (30 November(, ideally in the top 10. Sub-goals Stay injury free. Lose weight (6-8kg) to increase power-to-weight ratio. Easy. I have a running plan, a nutrition plan and a workout plan and now all I need to do is stick to them. Over the coming blog posts (I plan on doing one a day...accountability and all that) I will put more and more details about each and why I am doing them as well. I am a fitness professional, so a lot of what I am prescribing to myself is what I prescribe to my clients. Running wise, I currently train about a dozen runners of all different backgrounds and distances. I have ultra runners, 5kers, back-of-the-packers, event winners and up and comers and everyth

Pewsey Downsaround 2019

Race information What?  Pewsey Downsaround When?  April 28th, 2019 How far?  36 miles Where?  Pewsey, UK Website : Strava activity : Goals Goal Description A Win - FAIL! B Complete sub 6.30 - FAIL! C Complete sub 7.11 - SUCCESS! Pictures Saved story at here Training AWESOME. After the disappointment that was the Green Man (knee injury) I decide to REALLY dial in the training in this phase. Maxed out at just under a 70 mile week two weeks prior and tapered nicely meant that going in I was feeling incredible. I discussed with my clients that if all goes well I am going to win. Whilst that started out as a joke, the closer I got to race day, the more I believed this...  Pre-race I felt a little tired, after having a poor night sleep to be honest. Thankfully these days I run on caffeine and hatred, so it wasn't long until